vpresize VICTORY Principles: Leadership Lessons from D-Day by Colonel Leonard Kloeber, Jr.


Archive for the ‘Veterans’ tag

Veterans Day

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These week we celebrated Veterans Day in the United States to honor those who have served the country and those who are still serving.  As we remember our living veterans let us not forget those who are no longer with us.  As a poet once said: “All gave some, but some gave all.”  You can find information about the various military cemeteries in Normandy, France by linking to them from the links provided on this site.  If you link to the American Cemetery, here is some of what you will find:

The Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in France is located on the site of the temporary American St. Laurent Cemetery, established by the U.S. First Army on June 8, 1944 and the first American cemetery on European soil in World War II. The cemetery site, at the north end of its ½ mile access road, covers 172.5 acres and contains the graves of 9,387 of our military dead, most of whom lost their lives in the D-Day landings and ensuing operations. On the Walls of the Missing in a semicircular garden on the east side of the memorial are inscribed 1,557 names. Rosettes mark the names of those since recovered and identified.

The memorial consists of a semicircular colonnade with a loggia at each end containing large maps and narratives of the military operations; at the center is the bronze statue, “Spirit of American Youth.” An orientation table overlooking the beach depicts the landings in Normandy. Facing west at the memorial, one sees in the foreground the reflecting pool; beyond is the burial area with a circular chapel and, at the far end, granite statues representing the U.S. and France.

American Cemetery Video Tour

Gravesite, Amercian Cemetery - Normandy, France

Gravesite, Amercian Cemetery - Normandy, France

Written by editor

November 14th, 2009 at 1:04 pm